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The Latest from IDEA

A newsfeed on the most current research, news, and events at IDEA.

January 13, 2010: IDEA director John Rogers quoted in AP story about "permit students"

Posted by jcastro at Jan 13, 2010 02:15 PM |
Filed under: IDEA News

Beverly Hills to vote on rejecting outside pupils By Christina Hoag Associated Press

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December 15, 2009: IDEA Researchers Speak About ‘Multiple Pathways’ at San Diego Conference

Posted by planas at Dec 15, 2009 10:30 AM |
Filed under: IDEA News

December 4, 2009: IDEA’s research director Sophie Fanelli and senior researcher Marisa Saunders recently spoke at a conference about the Multiple Pathways approach to high school reform, saying it holds great promise for California students. Multiple Pathways schools provide career-based studies along with a college preparatory academic core, and aim to change patterns of racial stratification that result from tracking. Fanelli and Saunders presented IDEA’s research on Multiple Pathways at the California School Boards Association Annual Education Conference in San Diego on Dec. 4. Joined by principal Cheryl Hibbeln of San Diego’s School of Digital Media & Design, a Multiple Pathways high school, the presenters discussed data collected from 10 case study schools and programs. They reported that Multiple Pathways schools face some organizational challenges, but have far fewer drop-outs and more graduates prepared for college than the average California high school. 

October 2009: IDEA researchers co-author new research brief for UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment

Posted by shaikh at Oct 29, 2009 09:35 AM |
Filed under: IDEA News

"Unions and Education Justice: The Case of SEIU Local 1877 Janitors and the “Parent University”

The third brief in the UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment's (IRLE) series of Research and Policy Briefs highlights the work of the Service Employees International Union Local 1877, the UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access, UCLA School of Law’s Program in Public Interest Law and Policy, and the UCLA Labor Center in understanding and addressing the educational issues facing union members’ children. SEIU Local 1877 has sponsored “Parent University” workshops which teach members about topics that will help them to support their own children’s academic success and advocate for school improvements. SEIU Local 1877 is also working with a collaborative of unions and community groups to expand upon the Parent University work and stay involved in children’s education.

For more information, visit IRLE's website:

Also, you can download a PDF of the research brief by clicking the link below:

October 6, 2009: IDEA director John Rogers quoted in La Opinión in a two-part story about drop out rates

Posted by shaikh at Oct 29, 2009 08:20 AM |
Filed under: IDEA News

War against the high school dropout rate
Drop out rates have been high for years. A prevention program attempts to try and reduce it.

By Rubén Moreno (text in Spanish)

If drop out rates in Los Angeles would take a human form, they'd likely have brown or black skin and they would live in the poorest areas of the city. Latinos and African American youth make up the great majority of students, who for various reasons, abandon Los Angeles schools and never graduate. In the last few decades, the drop out problem in Los Angeles Unified School District has turned into a crisis that instead of improving, remains unremitting. Latino and African American students add nearly nine of every 10 new cases of school abandonment in a district where for one out of every three students drops out.

To read full article, please visit:

The drop out rate is a national ill
Each year 1.3 million students abandon school, putting at risk the country's economic welfare

By Rubén Moreno (text in Spanish)

More than 3.3 million students will be graduating from high school this school year in the United States, according to the National Center on Education Statistics. By the time you finish reading this story, at least six young people will have dropped out. At the end of the day, there will be 7,200; and tomorrow these statistics will repeat again. On average each year 1.3 million students drop out of school, one every 26 seconds, according to statistics provided by the Alliance for Excellent Education (AEE). The dropout rate goes beyond many of the challenges the individual student faces or the district he attends. 

To read full article, please visit:


October 1, 2009: IDEA Researcher Jane Margolis receives NSF grant to improve Computer Science instruction in LAUSD

Posted by shaikh at Oct 14, 2009 10:35 AM |
Filed under: IDEA News

Partnership with LAUSD addresses need for high-quality computer science instruction.

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