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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 Brown promises austere budget at forum focused on education

Brown promises austere budget at forum focused on education

  • 12-14-2010
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By Steven Harmon/San Jose Mercury News

Gov.-elect Jerry Brown had some words of advice for those gearing up for the budget he will propose next month: "Please sit down if you're reading the stories on the budget on Jan. 10. If you're driving, fasten your seat belt because it's going to be a rough ride." That much has been evident from the hard truths Brown continued to unleash Tuesday at UCLA during a forum focusing on where education fits in the state's overall revenue picture. It was his second budget forum in seven days, and Brown made it clear that few people will emerge unscathed as the Legislature seeks a way out of a potential $28.1 billion hole. After being cheered at the start of the forum, Brown said, "I don't know if you'll be cheering after the budget comes out." But Brown also telegraphed what some took to be hints that he is laying the groundwork to take a tax hike initiative to voters in the spring. "I think the signals are clear that he'll push through an austerity budget with an all-cuts budget early in the year, and he'll say if you don't like it, here are the revenues we need," said Robert Cruickshank, editor of the liberal blog. Brown said he wanted to complete the budget in 60 days, saying, "I don't think we have a lot of time to waste" -- a hint suggesting that he would like to allow the bad news of harsh cuts time enough to sink into voters' minds before a spring special election. (more…

Also: Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee, Educated Guess

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