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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 California tops nation in English language learners

California tops nation in English language learners

  • 12-03-2010
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Blog by Joanna Lin/California Watch

Students learning English speak more than 150 languages nationwide. The challenges schools face in teaching these students may be most evident in California, which hosts the most English language learners in the country. The number of English language learners is growing across the country, representing one in four California students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, according to the Migration Policy Institute, an independent research group. In an analysis of 2008-09 state education reports [PDF], released Wednesday, the institute found that Spanish was the predominant language for the vast majority of California's 1.5 million English language learners. All together, more than nine out of 10 English language learners ages 5 to 18 spoke one of five languages: (more…)

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