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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 Changes for TIF, school improvement grants in spending bill

Changes for TIF, school improvement grants in spending bill

  • 12-16-2010
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Blog by Alyson Klein/Education Week

The Teacher Incentive Fund, which U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called one of his predecessor's greatest achievements, would get a makeover—and less money—under the giant spending bill under consideration in the U.S. Senate. The TIF, as it's called, doles out grants to districts to create pay-for-performance programs. It would get $300 million under the Senate bill, which finances pretty much the entire federal government, including the Education Department. Last year, the TIF was financed at $400 million. The administration had been hoping Congress would build on the program to create a bigger "Teacher and Leader Innovation" fund financed at $950 million. But that didn't happen, in part because reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act wasn't completed. Perhaps more important, the bill includes new language on the TIF program. It says that 60 percent of teachers that would be affected by a new performance-pay plan must sign off on it in order for the program to get a grant. That's a big deal, because there was never such an explicit requirement for a certain level of buy-in before. (more…)

Also: Ed Money Watch

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