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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 Educators question effectiveness of federally-mandated tutoring services for low-income students at underperforming schools

Educators question effectiveness of federally-mandated tutoring services for low-income students at underperforming schools

  • 12-13-2010
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By Maritza Velazquez/San Gabriel Valley Tribune

While the No Child Left Behind Act provides schools with federal dollars to serve its disadvantaged student populations, there's a catch. And it's an expensive one. Some districts with low-performing schools are forced to use a portion of that money to contract with outside companies that provide tutoring services to the district's low-income student population. That is a little unnerving to school administrators, who said they have to cough up hundreds of thousands of dollars to state-approved companies over which there's little oversight. "They're supposed to be keeping parents informed on the progress of their child," said Bassett Unified Superintendent Martin Galindo. However, Galindo said he wonders if parents even know what they're supposed to be getting from the providers. (more…)

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