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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 Oakland's new 'it' high school bucks declining enrollment trend

Oakland's new 'it' high school bucks declining enrollment trend

  • 12-08-2010
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By Katy Murphy/Oakland Tribune

A year ago, Maryann Wolfe watched as parents ran -- ran! -- down the hallway to secure a space in her oversized classroom. "It was wall-to-wall parents," she said. Wolfe was not only overwhelmed by the rush, but by what caused it: an information session about a humanities program at Oakland Technical High School. For years, parents have been running -- away from the city's public high schools. Concerned about fights on campus, lackluster academics or a high dropout rate, families have enrolled their children at Berkeley High, private schools or tuition-free charters. High school enrollment in the Oakland school district has continued its long, steep slide this year. But Oakland Tech has 200 more students than it did in fall 2009. With an enrollment of 1,900, Oakland's latest "it" school is as big as Skyline High, a public school in the hills. At Tech, they issued crowd-control admissions tickets at parent night. (more…)

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