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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 Schools likely on Schwarzenegger’s hit list

Schools likely on Schwarzenegger’s hit list

  • 12-06-2010
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Democrats aren’t likely to pay much attention to the  midyear budget cuts and ideas for closing a $25 billion deficit that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to offer today. But it’s a safe bet that one of Schwarzenegger’s likely proposals to cut K-12 schools will resurface in January, when Gov.-elect Jerry Brown inherits the mess. That’s $1.7 billion – about $275 per child – that Schwarzenegger didn’t want schools to get in the first place. After he included the cut in his revised budget in May, education groups raised holy hell, so Democrats restored the money in the budget they passed in October so they could say that schools got about the same money as last year. Sort of. They added the amount to the growing total of money deferred ­– dollars that schools are owed but won’t see until the next fiscal year – in this case, July 2011. Smart superintendents and school boards have assumed the Legislature  wouldn’t deliver the money, and they’ll be proven right. Add to that the $2 billion less in Proposition 98 money that the state will be obligated to fund next year, and schools can expect at least a cut of about $600 per student. (more…)


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