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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 December 2010 State sets few rules when home = school

State sets few rules when home = school

  • 12-13-2010
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By Emily Alper/Voice of San Diego

Something had long bothered Laura Tate. Her mother had started home schooling her three younger siblings when Tate was still in public high school. When Tate went back to visit her family in Ramona, it looked to her like her mother never taught the three teens. They used workbooks or took lessons on the computer, but got little guidance or personal instruction from their mother, said the 26-year-old Tate, who recently got her teaching credential. The same thing worried her older sister, Tina Ellis. "I'm watching my siblings slip through the cracks," Ellis said. Their teenage sister, an eighth grader, struggled with writing simple sentences, she said. And their older brother Daniel Tate had the same misgivings when he came home to visit from the Bay Area. When two of the home-schooled kids went briefly to public school this fall, Laura Tate and Ellis said tests showed the children were behind. But the kids were pulled back out and home-schooled again. (more…)

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