Teacher working conditions are student learning conditions
Blog by William Ferriter/Huffington Post
I really don't do a very good job hiding my scorn for today's education superheroes, do I? My beef with current conversations around reforming schools is really quite simple: They're often centered around the idea that teacher effectiveness can be judged -- and schools can be saved -- if we would just start holding educators accountable for producing measurable results on end of grade exams. Not only do these kinds of carrot-and-stick approaches to saving our schools ignore what we know about motivating workers in knowledge-based professions, they overlook an unfortunate truth that Oprahgandists would rather ignore: Successful schools depend on far more than identifying and then rewarding handfuls of whiz-bang teachers. They also depend on communities that are willing to provide every teacher with the kinds of critical working conditions essential for being successful. (more…)