Budget cuts, enrollment force teacher reassignments
By Hailey Persinger/San Diego Union-Tribune
One of San Diego Unified’s elementary school principals walked into his office on a Friday morning in late October to find one of his teachers in tears. She’d received word from the district’s human resources department that the following Monday, she was to report to a new grade level — one she’d never taught — at a different school. Her students would be reassigned to different classes. The teacher and her students weren’t the only ones experiencing a shake-up. Teachers across the district have been switched from campus to campus over the past two years to accommodate final enrollment numbers administrators receive about six weeks after the start of school. In some cases, actual enrollment numbers turn out to be far different from projections, forcing teachers from campuses with fewer students to move to another campus and take on an entirely new class. As teachers move, students are shifted to reorganized classes. (more…)