Duarte school bond advocates count on competitive boost
By Brenda Gazzar/San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Thanks to voters, it's as if Christmas came early for proponents of a $62 million school bond measure approved last week. The new property tax could fund an indoor cafeteria at Northview Intermediate School, a biotech science lab and upgraded football field at Duarte High School and a computer for each child in the district. "I couldn't be more thrilled that it passed," said Deborah Evans-Vincent, a parent and a strong advocate of Measure E. "I've been doing a little dance ever since I got the news." The goal, supporters say, is to make school improvements to help Duarte Unified School District attract and retain quality teachers, while preparing students for college and high-demand jobs. They also hope the upgrades at the district's eight campuses will further boost its standing vis-a-vis well-heeled districts in San Marino, Arcadia and La Ca ada-Flintridge. (more…)