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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 Economists call for end to teachers' degree bonuses

Economists call for end to teachers' degree bonuses

  • 11-22-2010
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Education Week

Every year, American schools pay more than $8.6 billion in bonuses to teachers with master's degrees. Despite more than a decade of research showing the money has little impact on student achievement, and questions about whether a higher degree makes a teacher more effective, state lawmakers and other officials have been reluctant to tackle this popular way for teachers to earn more money. That could soon change, as local school districts around the country grapple with shrinking budgets. This past week, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the economy has given the nation an opportunity to make dramatic improvements in the productivity of its education system and to do more of what works and less of what doesn't. Duncan told the American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday that master's degree bonuses are an example of spending money on something that doesn't work. On Friday, billionaire Bill Gates took aim at school budgets and the master's degree bonus. (more…)

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