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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 In Oakland schools, labor struggle resumes without parcel tax cushion

In Oakland schools, labor struggle resumes without parcel tax cushion

  • 11-16-2010
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By Katy Murphy/Oakland Tribune

For a moment two weeks ago, as election results trickled in, it seemed possible Oakland voters had passed a $195 parcel tax, providing about $20 million a year for the salaries of public school employees. Supporters had hoped the influx of cash would not only raise salaries but also help to resolve a teacher contract dispute -- a struggle that began a full year before President Barack Obama took office. It didn't happen. A tally posted Tuesday evening showed 65.4 percent of the city's voters favored Measure L, short of the two-thirds requirement. Now, when the district administration returns to the bargaining table with the strike-legal teachers union, it will hold fewer chips. Teachers held a one-day walkout this spring after the school board imposed a contract with no changes in pay or benefits. In May, teachers authorized union leadership to call a longer strike. But as the election neared, there was a noticeable lull in labor activity. That might change. The union is holding a meeting after school Tuesday for its members to discuss what to do next, said Betty Olson-Jones, the union president. Troy Flint said the administration was determined to bring teachers' pay -- among the lowest in Alameda County -- in line with that of other districts. (more…)

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