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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 More thoughts on midterms--Reinforcement of a two-tiered public school system?

More thoughts on midterms--Reinforcement of a two-tiered public school system?

  • 11-03-2010
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Blog by Anne Geiger/Public Policy Blogger

Last night, after listening to the freshly elected and re-elected, and those who lost, I pondered what this political turbulence means for public education. Some may agree with my initial analysis and some may not. I welcome both. We have a robust dialogue underway. I hope we use it to define what the American public school system should look like to best meet the needs of all children. My greatest fear, though, is that the politics may reinforce a two-tier system if we aren't careful. In yesterday's post, I wrote about the probable escalation of market-based education and health care reforms. That will undoubtedly now occur, and I remain concerned about it as I've repeatedly expressed, but there's another dimension in the public education debate that I think will come into play. (more…)

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