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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 Operation discourage bright people from wanting to teach

Operation discourage bright people from wanting to teach

  • 11-02-2010
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Blog by Alfie Kohn/Huffington Post

Education "reformers" have discovered the source of our schools' problems. It's not poverty or social inequities. It's not enforced student passivity or a standardized curriculum that consists of lists of facts and skills likely to appear on standardized tests. No -- it's... teachers. Fortunately, there's a two-pronged solution: First, identify the really bad teachers (on the basis of their students' test scores, naturally) and pluck them out like weeds. Second, as a safeguard against the possibility of more widespread incompetence than can be solved by step number one, remove as much authority as possible -- about what's to be taught and how -- from all teachers. Two articles in the October 2010 issue of Phi Delta Kappan address these strategies. (more…)

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