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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 Protests over cutbacks at L.A. Unified schools

Protests over cutbacks at L.A. Unified schools

  • 11-19-2010
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Blog by Howard Blume/Los Angeles Times

School employees are handing out leaflets to parents Friday morning, decrying the latest round of layoffs, program cuts and pay reductions to befall the Los Angeles Unified School District. On this round of a seemingly never-ending budget crisis, many affected employees are clerical workers, plant managers and staff in the facilities division. All told, about 4,800 employees received notice Oct. 15 that they would be losing their current jobs. For about 1,000, the notice means they will be out the door entirely. The rest face moving to new positions, many of them with different locations and duties, and almost universally for lower pay. With state funding shrinking, "we still may be forced to make additional cuts, as unfortunate as it is," said district spokeswoman Lydia Ramos. "It's daunting and it's sad." (more…)

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