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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 School funding unfair in many states

School funding unfair in many states

  • 11-03-2010
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Blog by David Sciarra/Huffington Post

In the current debate over education reform, one often hears that the United States "spends a lot," on public education, and that we keep spending more but are getting less for it. But what does a "lot" mean? Do all students, especially those attending high poverty schools, receive the funding necessary to meet rigorous academic standards? Do states direct school funding to students who need it the most? Is school funding in the 50 states fair? To shed light on this crucial question, Dr. Bruce Baker of Rutgers University, Dr. Danielle Farrie of Education Law Center and I recently published "Is School Funding Fair? A National Report Card." The Report Card is built on the bedrock principle of "fairness." A fair system of school funding is one that provides all students with a sufficient level of funding to achieve rigorous academic standards, and allocates more funding to students with greater needs. (more…)

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