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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 Study challenges 'idiosyncratic' high school reading selections

Study challenges 'idiosyncratic' high school reading selections

  • 11-01-2010
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By Liana Heitin/Education Week (subscription required)

High school students today tend to read an "idiosyncratic" and unchallenging selection of texts and are generally not learning how to do close reading, concludes a recent study published by the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers . The study argues that that those factors have contributed to a decline in reading skills among American adults. According to the study’s author, Sandra Stotsky, three recent indicators of reading achievement—an assessment of adult literacy, the test of reading achievement for grade 12 by the National Assessment of Educational Progress , and a report on voluntary literary reading among adults—all evidenced a dramatic decline in adult literacy skills since 1992. That’s in part a product of the types and difficulty levels of books secondary students are reading in school, says Stotsky. (more…)

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