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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 November 2010 Teacher groups protest earmark reform

Teacher groups protest earmark reform

  • 11-29-2010
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Blog by Stephen Sawchuk/Education Week

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote today on a proposal to ban congressional earmarks, basically insertions into appropriations bills for pet projects. But education organizations that recruit, train and provide professional development for thousands of teachers are encouraging senators to vote "no" on the measure. They argue that their own programs would be caught up in the "broad" definition of the measure, which is being sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican. The groups include the National Writing Project, which sponsors professional development for teachers on how to teach writing and literacy; the teacher and leadership-training groups New Leaders for New Schools and Teach For America; and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, which oversees the national board-certification process. The organizations' activities are authorized in federal law and generally receive specific allotments each year in the federal-appropriations cycle. (more…)

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