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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Americans split over public education for illegal immigrants, poll shows

Americans split over public education for illegal immigrants, poll shows

  • 10-18-2010
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Christian Science Monitor

Maybe it's the recession. Maybe it's the fight over Arizona's tough new law to step up apprehension of illegal immigrants or the headline news about border violence. For whatever reason, Americans are in no mood to coddle people who are in the United States illegally, even if they are hardworking and peaceable. Most American adults today oppose any sort of government benefit for illegal immigrants, according to a recent Christian Science Monitor/TIPP poll. Even K-12 education for children brought to the US under the radar by their parents – a benefit that the US Supreme Court has said states cannot withhold – does not enjoy majority backing. Support for educating such children stands at 47 percent, compared with 49 percent who oppose it. (more…)

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