An education film that gets it (No, not 'Superman')
Guest blog by Mark Phillips/Washington Post
Many schools are largely out of touch with who kids are today. The lives of students, across race and socio-economic class, are very different than they were even 10 or 15 years ago. But in a time when the stress experienced by children has increased markedly, too many schools appear to be adding to it rather than alleviating it. Educators who understand this are far more likely to be successful. There is presently an estimated 15-year lag between the latest psychological research and the incorporation of this new knowledge into schools. It appears that many of today’s school reformers either don’t know about the research or consider psychology superfluous to quality education and student achievement. Vicki Abeles’s film, "Race to Nowhere", has been very popular here in the San Francisco Bay area and one of the reasons is that it focuses primarily on the emotional lives of kids, not on scholastic performance. Most importantly, it chronicles the price kids are paying emotionally for the increased emphasis on test scores. (more…)