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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 California’s pupil-achievement program continues

California’s pupil-achievement program continues

  • 10-21-2010
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By Jennifer Chaussee/Capitol Weekly

A controversial state program to track pupil performance is going to continue, but without adequate oversight because of the loss of federal money, critics say. It’s a lot like remodeling a kitchen without the home owner around, said the California Department of Education’s Keric Ashley about the on-going saga surrounding the making of California’s first state-wide student database, CalPADS. “The refrigerator ends up in the living room because that’s the most convenient place for the contractor to put it,” Ashley said. That’s because nearly $7 million in federal funds allocated for CDE to oversee the on-going production of the notoriously riddled student information system that would track statistics for the state’s 6.3 million k-12 kids was vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger in this year’s budget. (more…)

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