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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Election could remake congress' face on K-12

Election could remake congress' face on K-12

  • 10-06-2010
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By Alyson Klein/Education Week

Republicans are expected to gain big in a 2010 election season that has a number of Democratic lawmakers who have long been associated with education policy fighting for their political lives. At the same time, some potential newcomers to Congress, on both the right and the left, are now poised to make their mark on K-12 issues, should they prevail in their closely watched races. For the most part, few congressional candidates in either party are talking about the specifics of education policy, which is rarely a front-and-center issue in federal elections. But candidates are debating government spending, including for programs such as education, which saw unprecedented increases under the Obama administration, particularly through the politically divisive economic-stimulus program. (more…)

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