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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 For some families in S.J., crime and traffic have made the walk to and from school feel more like an obstacle course

For some families in S.J., crime and traffic have made the walk to and from school feel more like an obstacle course

  • 10-18-2010
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By Jennifer Torres/

From McKinley School to her nephew's house isn't far, but Maria Segura, 17, holds the 6-year-old's hand for much of the walk home. When her day ends at nearby Edison High, Segura joins a small group of women who walk through Stockton's McKinley Park to retrieve children from the elementary school at Ninth and El Dorado streets. "I always come to get her," said one of the moms, Guillermina Padilla, who has a 9-year-old daughter. "She never walks alone. It just isn't safe with that park." Persistent challenges - caused by traffic in some cases, and in other cases, by criminals - mar the paths that thousands of San Joaquin County children take to and from school every day. And more children may be confronting them as school districts faced with budget deficits re-examine transportation plans by requiring fees or expanding walking zones. (more…)

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