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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Layoffs hit LAUSD support staff

Layoffs hit LAUSD support staff

  • 10-19-2010
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By Melissa Pamer/Los Angeles Daily News

Nearly a thousand support staff in the Los Angeles Unified School District will soon lose their jobs, while more than three times as many will be forced to transfer to new positions in an upheaval that one official termed "musical chairs." So-called reduction-in-force notices were sent out to about 4,600 classified staff on Friday, district officials said. Of those workers, about 990 were told they will be laid off Nov. 30. The remaining personnel were ordered to report to new work sites - and in many cases to fulfill different duties at a lower salary or for fewer hours - on Dec. 1. Employees ranging from office technicians and cafeteria workers to custodians to secretaries are affected. The mid-semester tumult likely will be widespread at each of the district's more than 800 campuses, as well as local district offices and downtown headquarters, said LAUSD interim Personnel Director Ann Young-Havens. (more…)

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