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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Linking teachers and student test scores gains some momentum

Linking teachers and student test scores gains some momentum

  • 10-15-2010
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By Stacy Teicher Khadaroo/Christian Science Monitor

The issue of judging or paying teachers based on student test scores has stirred up high-profile controversies in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. But school districts across the United States are collaborating with unions and moving ahead with such plans – often as part of a broader set of changes to professionalize the career. Baltimore is in the spotlight Thursday as teachers vote on a new contract that would radically alter the traditional salary structure. It would pay teachers based on their level of accomplishment and responsibility, as well as their students’ achievement gains – rather than their seniority or academic degrees. (more…)

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