N.Y. Times editorial weighs in on science/math education
Blog by Erik Robelen/Education Week
An editorial in today's New York Times raises anew the alarm bell about the state of math and science education in the United States and how this nation is falling behind others in producing scientists and engineers. It draws heavily on a recent report issued by the National Academies, "Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited," which I blogged about last month. "The situation remains grim," the editorial says. "According to a follow-up report published last month, the academies found that the United States ranks 27th out of 29 wealthy countries in the proportion of college students with degrees in science or engineering, while the World Economic Forum ranked this country 48th out of 133 developed and developing nations in quality of math and science instruction." As for what to do, the editorial highlights a few ideas put forward by the recent National Academies report. (more…)
Also: New York Times