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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 NJ school buses to be powered by ads

NJ school buses to be powered by ads

  • 10-13-2010
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Huffington Post

Is your child's school bus sponsored by Pepsi or Coke? If not, it may soon be. New Jersey is the latest state to draft a bill supporting advertising on yellow buses in order to combat a recent $812 million cutback to school aid. The Boston Globe reports: "The New Jersey bill requires boards of education to use half the revenue the ads generate to defray fuel costs for student busing. The other half could go toward school programs or services the individual districts deem appropriate." Other states, including Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, Tennessee and Texas, who have already implemented the ad campaign, have reported raising $1000 per bus. (more…)

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