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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 NYC takes aim at teachers' 'tenure for breathing'

NYC takes aim at teachers' 'tenure for breathing'

  • 10-13-2010
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By Karen Matthews/USA Today

Do public school teachers get tenure just by breathing? It's a claim made by a charter school leader in the education documentary Waiting for Superman, which places much of the blame for bad schools nationwide on union rules that protect incompetent teachers. Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced on national television last week that he would overhaul the way city teachers are granted tenure, linking their advancement to improving student test scores. "Just as we are raising the bar for our students through higher standards, we must also raise the bar for our teachers and principals — and we are," Bloomberg said. But city teachers say that if bad teachers have won tenure protection it's the fault of the administrators who gave it to them. (more…)

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