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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 School budget picture not much rosier than it was in May

School budget picture not much rosier than it was in May

  • 10-12-2010
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Allison White/Eureka Times-Standard

On the surface, the recently passed state budget that had school administrators waiting with bated breath does not appear to make the cuts they anticipated. But the $1.7 billion restored to schools over the May revision of the budget may not actually make it to district coffers, said Rick Hanger, assistant superintendent of business services for Humboldt County Office of Education. “It does appear a little better than the May revision, but there is significant risk with some of the assumptions,” Hanger said. Two major assumptions in the state budget are worrisome to educators, as those assumptions account for revenue that is not guaranteed. The anticipated tax revenue increase of $1.4 billion was based on estimates from when the economy appeared to be on the upswing, although now it appears to have leveled out, Hanger said. The budget also accounts for $5 billion in revenue from the federal government for other state programs, but there is no guarantee that will be granted. (more…)

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