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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 The limits of Moco schools' economic integration study

The limits of Moco schools' economic integration study

  • 10-15-2010
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

There are big limits to the study released today showing that several hundred low-income students who went to school in low-poverty schools in Montgomery County did better on standardized math tests than kids who went to high-poverty schools: 1) Scores on standardized tests don’t actually show that kids are really learning anything. A rise in scores could mean better test prep. 2) The suggestion in the results of this study is that the school makes all the difference, and there is substantial research that shows that things are more complicated. You can read about the report in this story by my colleagues Michael Birnbaum and Stephanie McCrummen. (more…)

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