U.S. House races to watch for edu-ramifications
By Alyson Klein/Education Week
Come election night, most folks watching federal races will be paying attention to the big questions (Does the House of Representatives flip to Republican control? What about the Senate?) But there are some individual races that could also matter. A handful of Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee are on the endangered list, or at least may have a tough fight ahead of them. While education may not be a signature issue in these members' races, their losses could alter the makeup of the panel, no matter who retains control of Congress. That could impact the issues they care about or have championed. (The folks who might defeat them might not land a spot on the committee once they come to Congress, but I've included their views here anyway, to give you a flavor of what GOP candidates in districts that care about K-12 schools are saying on the stump.) The folks to watch: (more…)