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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Union plans to try to block release of teacher ratings

Union plans to try to block release of teacher ratings

  • 10-20-2010
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By Sharon Otterman/New York Times

The city’s teachers’ union said on Wednesday that it would request a restraining order to prevent education officials from releasing reports that rate thousands of city teachers based on how much progress students made on state standardized tests. The release of the reports, if a judge does not block it, would propel New York City to the center of a national debate about how student test scores should be used to evaluate teachers and whether news media organizations should release the ratings of teachers to the public as a measure of their performance. The reports include the names of teachers and their schools. The city’s public school principals have received the reports for the past two years, and last year, they were instructed to use them in teacher evaluations and tenure decisions. (more…)

Also: Los Angeles Times

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