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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 What Jerry Bracey would have said about Locke High

What Jerry Bracey would have said about Locke High

  • 10-12-2010
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Blog by Jay Mathews/Washington Post

Every once in awhile I run across a case of distorted education reporting and mourn the 2009 death of Gerald W. Bracey. For years he was the nation's watchdog of unexamined assumptions and misleading language in education policy and education writing. Instead of stewing over these mishaps, I am going to post them and say what I think Jerry would have said about them. I am never going to reach his level of clarity or acidity, but there isn't much I can do about that. Most of these items will be small stuff, since that was often what Jerry focused on, knowing that little distortions left unchecked can grow into big ones. The target of this first Bracey memorial scolding is the otherwise admirable Green Dot Public Schools, whose Aug. 16 press release on test score gains at Locke High School in Los Angeles caught my eye. Green Dot has broken Locke, hitherto one of the lowest-performing high schools in the country, into a collection of small charter schools to give those students a chance at the educations they deserve. (more…)

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