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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 What's wrong with the ‘manifesto’ -- point by point

What's wrong with the ‘manifesto’ -- point by point

  • 10-14-2010
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Guest blog by Anne Geiger/Washington Post

1) "Manifesto." A curious, full-throated choice when it's really more of an op-ed written in real time, more disjointed than coherent, more hyperbole than fact. So, what is a manifesto? A document that lays out a catechism, a body of fundamental principles or beliefs to be accepted uncritically by those who sign it and those who afterward pledge to follow it. Most prominent examples: The Communist Manifesto and the Declaration of Independence. Putting aside the Communist one, although I'm tempted not to, our country's "manifesto," the Declaration of Independence, defines the founding principles of our Constitution and basis of our laws. So, I'll take them at their word and assume the writers and signers of the school reform manifesto seek to implant their "manifesto" as the basis for the founding principles of our nation's public education system and road map for its policies. This brings us to.... (more…)

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