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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 October 2010 Why won't Congress admit NCLB failed?

Why won't Congress admit NCLB failed?

  • 10-01-2010
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Guest blog by Monty Neill/Washington Post

The 2010 Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll on U.S. schools reminds us that Americans do not believe that the federal No Child Left law helps improve education. The 2008 Kappa survey found that four out of five people think classroom-based evidence of student learning, such as grades, teacher observations, or samples of student work (the most popular), provides a more accurate picture of student work than do student test scores. The United States is virtually alone among nations in testing in so many grades. Top-ranked Finland barely tests at all, while Singapore tests in a few grades. That’s the range among nations with better results than the U.S. on international exams, graduation rates, and increasingly college entry and completion. Research shows that NCLB causes curriculum narrowing, intense teaching to the test, and worsening school climate. (more…)

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