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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 After 3 months, mayor replaces schools leader

After 3 months, mayor replaces schools leader

  • 04-08-2011
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By Michael Barbaro, Sharon Otterman and Javier C. Hernandez/New York Times

 Cathleen P. Black, the publishing executive thrust into the improbable role of New York City’s school chancellor, resigned Thursday on the 95th day of her tenure after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg told her in a blunt meeting that her troubled appointment could not be salvaged. The mayor announced he would replace Ms. Black with Dennis M. Walcott, a seasoned and likable deputy mayor, who, unlike Ms. Black, has deep education experience. He attended the city’s public schools and taught kindergarten. The decision to remove Ms. Black represents a rare step by Mr. Bloomberg, who takes pride in standing behind his deputies in the face of public criticism. (more...)



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