Debate continues over 'highly qualified' standard
By Stephen Sawchuk/Education Week
The zeitgeist around teacher-quality policy these days is clearly "teacher effectiveness," as measured through standards-based observations of teachers coupled with some aspect of student growth. There's good reason to believe that whatever happens with a new Elementary and Secondary Education Act, it will include some policymaking on this topic. Take the Obama administration's Blueprint as just one of the policy possibilities.That still leaves the folks on Capitol Hill with the puzzling question of what to do with the current "highly qualified teacher" requirements in ESEA. HQT has not been on the radar screen lately, and honestly, if there is one part of ESEA that everyone loves to trash talk, it's gotta be this part. No matter where people stand on teacher quality, they generally agree that the HQT standard is pretty low, and that the implementation and enforcement of the provisions leave a lot to be desired. (more...)