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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Even with all of its faults, I’m sticking with the union

Even with all of its faults, I’m sticking with the union

  • 04-04-2011
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Blog by Peter Schrag/Thoughts on Public Education

Given the national wave of public sector union bashing, it’s not surprising that people like Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, is out making speeches about the virtues of collective bargaining in public education. The case against teachers unions has been simmering for decades, with horror stories about the rubber room in New York (now gone); countless instances of union resistance to modification of rigid seniority rules in promotion and layoffs, and, often, general insensitivity to the needs of children and the concerns of parents. It had to blow – and what more likely time than during a recession and the accompanying tight state and local budgets. (more...)


Also: Huffington Post

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