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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Ga. gives D.C. pointers in probe of school cheating

Ga. gives D.C. pointers in probe of school cheating

  • 04-05-2011
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By Greg Toppo and Jack Gillum/USA Today

When Atlanta investigators announced in August that teacher-led cheating on standardized tests appeared to be limited, then-governor Sonny Perdue slammed the investigation as "woefully inadequate" and appointed his own team to reopen the probe — with the weight of law behind it. Now, after a USA TODAY investigation found high rates of erasures on tests in Washington, D.C., public schools, schools officials there are considering how to reopen a probe into possible cheating. On Wednesday, the D.C. education board will convene a hearing to discuss the matter, and investigators and testing experts familiar with such cases say they should take basic but decisive steps. (more...)


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