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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 L.A. Unified releases school ratings using 'value-added' method

L.A. Unified releases school ratings using 'value-added' method

  • 04-14-2011
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By Jason Song and Jason Felch/Los Angeles Times

In a dramatic turn for the country's second-largest school district, Los Angeles Unified released school ratings based on a new approach that measures a school's success at raising student performance — the first in a series of high-stakes moves that will thrust the district into the center of the national debate over education reform. Next month, the district will take the more controversial step of providing thousands of teachers with confidential ratings of their performance using the same approach, known as value-added. The district is also negotiating with the teachers union to include such measures in teachers' formal performance reviews, an effort the union bitterly opposes. The new measure of academic success has been a top priority for incoming Supt. John Deasy, who formally takes over Friday. (more...)


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