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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Mayor's State of the City speech focuses on education

Mayor's State of the City speech focuses on education

  • 04-14-2011
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By Maeve Reston and Howard Blume/Los Angeles Times

Civic leaders expressed consternation and puzzlement, but also praise, for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's focus on education — calling for a revamped teachers contract and more choices for students — in his annual State of the City address Wednesday, even as City Hall struggles with a financial crisis. "The mayor needs to direct his attention at what is essential, and that's the elected position of running the city," said Councilman Dennis Zine, adding that many of his San Fernando Valley constituents don't believe the city is being run smoothly. "Pave the streets, fix the sidewalks, trim the trees and provide public safety without increasing taxes. That's what I would hope he would focus on." (more...)

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