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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Ohio’s anti-union law is tougher than Wisconsin’s

Ohio’s anti-union law is tougher than Wisconsin’s

  • 04-01-2011
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By Steven Greenhouse/New York Times

After Wisconsin’s labor battle seized the nation’s attention, after nearly 100,000 people rallied in Madison to protest a bill to curb public-sector collective bargaining, the Ohio legislature has, with far less fanfare, enacted a bill perhaps even tougher on unions. It is perhaps surprising that Ohio faced more limited public demonstrations considering that its bill, which Gov. John R. Kasich signed Thursday, goes further than Wisconsin’s in several important ways. While both laws severely limit public employees’ ability to bargain collectively — they both prohibit any bargaining over health coverage and pensions — the Ohio law largely eliminates bargaining for the police and firefighters. (more...)

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