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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 Requiring Algebra II in high school gains momentum nationwide

Requiring Algebra II in high school gains momentum nationwide

  • 04-05-2011
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By Peter Whoriskey/Washington Post

With its intricate mysteries of quadratics, logarithms and imaginary numbers, Algebra II often provokes a lament from high-schoolers. What exactly does this have to do with real life? The answer: maybe more than anyone could have guessed. Of all of the classes offered in high school, Algebra II is the leading predictor of college and work success, according to research that has launched a growing national movement to require it of graduates. In recent years, 20 states and the District have moved to raise graduation requirements to include Algebra II, and its complexities are being demanded of more and more students. The effort has been led by Achieve, a group organized by governors and business leaders and funded by corporations and their foundations, to improve the skills of the workforce. (more...)


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