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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 RIVERSIDE: Governor to discuss cuts during school visit

RIVERSIDE: Governor to discuss cuts during school visit

  • 04-08-2011
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By Jim Miller/Press-Enterprise

Gov. Jerry Brown will join teachers and government officials at a Riverside school this morning, his first in a promised series of public appearances to drum up support for extending higher taxes to close a budget gap. Brown will visit a classroom and later "discuss how the state's budget crisis is impacting schools in Riverside County," his office said. Brown has said he has "a moral obligation to communicate the consequences" of an all-cuts budget. Today's stop at Arlanza Elementary School comes as progress in the Capitol on closing the $26.6 billion shortfall has all but ground to a halt after last week's collapse of negotiations between Brown and legislative Republicans. GOP lawmakers have demanded changes in how the state operates, such as a spending cap and revamped pension system, before considering Brown's proposal for ballot measures to continue temporary tax increases on income, sales and vehicles. (more...)

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