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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 School vouchers under the microscope: Do they really improve student achievement?

School vouchers under the microscope: Do they really improve student achievement?

  • 04-04-2011
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Huffington Post

The Milwaukee School Choice Program, which was not only the first but also the largest school voucher program in the country, has fallen under fire after voucher students failed to surpass their public school counterparts in state tests. As reported in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the program provides disadvantaged students a lottery-earned voucher, totaling up to $6,607, to escape failing public schools and attend higher performing private schools. The state spends over $128 million on vouchers, which proponents argue is cost-effective compared to expenditures on students who attend public schools. The program was largely regarded as an experiment when it started as a solution to failing public school systems in the 1990s. Now critics are citing it is a failed one. (more...)

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