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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 SF CEO: Classroom cam will ‘revolutionize’ teacher effectiveness

SF CEO: Classroom cam will ‘revolutionize’ teacher effectiveness

  • 04-12-2011
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By Louis Freedberg/California Watch

No kid will be safe slacking off in the back of the classroom if a new type of video camera invented by Teachscape, a San Francisco-based company, makes its way into California classrooms. It's a camera called Teachscape Reflect that takes 360-degree video images of a classroom, and is intended to help improve instruction and evaluate how effective teachers are in reaching all the students in their classrooms. Mark Atkinson, Teachscape's founder and chief creative officer, says the camera will "revolutionize the potential for teacher improvement." "What does it look like when kids are passionate about learning?" Atkinson asks. "These things can only be done on film." The camera is an outgrowth of the $45 million Measures of Effective Teaching project launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (more...)

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