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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 State Senate OKs bill tying teacher evaluations to layoffs

State Senate OKs bill tying teacher evaluations to layoffs

  • 04-13-2011
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By Molly Rosbach/The Seattle Times

The state Senate approved an education bill Tuesday that would put teachers who score lowest on performance evaluations the first in line for layoffs. Both the House and Senate budget proposals for the coming biennium include drastic cuts to K-12 education that would require teacher layoffs across the state. Under current statute, newly hired teachers are the first to be cut, but the Senate bill requires that performance, not seniority, determine which teachers are laid off when staff reductions are needed. "Why in the world would you ever lay off a second-year teacher of the year in lieu of maybe an eighth- or ninth-year teacher who's on probation?" asked Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Medina, who proposed the version of the bill that passed the Senate. (more...)

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