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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 The Root: Will anyone win in 'Race To The Top'?

The Root: Will anyone win in 'Race To The Top'?

  • 04-01-2011
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By Cynthia Gordy/NPR


Cynthia Gordy is The Root's Washington reporter.

There's a new conversation bubbling up these days at Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington, Delaware. "We've been researching best practices, visiting other schools to learn about programs that have worked for them, and we are constantly talking about what's best for our students," says assistant principal Clifton Hayes. "Vice President Biden coming by last week to celebrate was just the icing on the cake." It's been one year since Delaware, along with Tennessee, won the first round of the Obama administration's Race to the Top competitive grant program. Funded by the Recovery Act and designed to spur bold education reform, the program makes $4.35 billion available to all 50 states — but only if they agree to certain guidelines for improving their education systems, such as raising academic standards and boosting support for the lowest-performing schools. (more...)

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