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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 April 2011 The trouble with 'innovation' in schools

The trouble with 'innovation' in schools

  • 04-05-2011
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Blog by Gregory Michie/Huffington Post

I was sitting among a large crowd of students and teachers at the Chicago Public Schools Video Fair. It was 1998 -- four years before No Child Left Behind was signed into law, but already three years into Chicago's own march toward test-driven "accountability." I listened as a high-level district administrator stepped to the podium to congratulate a group of my seventh graders on winning the festival's top prize. Their video, which they'd made in my media studies class, was a portrayal of how racist attitudes are passed on from adults to children. I don't recall all of the administrator's words, but I remember her commending the students, recognizing our school's media studies program, and ending with, "I'm sure participating in this program is really raising the students' reading scores!" Applause followed, but I left feeling deflated. (more...)

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